Repeating Numbers

The Meanings behind Repeating Numbers

Your higher self, your spirit guides or your Angels are sending you messages. What do they mean? At any given time we are usually in a good mood or a not so good mood. The message can take on a slightly different slant depending on your attitude at the moment of receiving the message. Also, your thoughts at the time of seeing the repeating numbers has A LOT to do with the meaning as well. Take this all into context when you are deciphering your message. Make sure to thank yourself, your guides and/or your Angels for getting the message through.

Repeating 1’s, 11, 111, 1111, etc:

Positive attitude:

Your thoughts are changing. Good job on how you choose your thoughts. Keep up the good work. You are staying positive and in the present. This is the start of changing your attitudes for the better. Once your attitudes change your habits follow suit.

This can also mean you are beginning your spiritual awakening. Your thoughts and beliefs are going to another level. This is a beautiful beginning to a wonderful journey of your life and your life path.

Special mention for 11:11:

When you see 11:11 it means your focus on your life path is going in a wonderfully positive direction. Keep it up. Be mindful of your thoughts and keep them positive. Your Angels and guides will continue to protect and encourage you. Make a wish there is a good chance it will come true.

Not so positive mood:

When you see the repeating 1’s and your thoughts are not as positive as you’d like this is a reminder of how important your thoughts are. Just keep on working on changing them in the positive direction. It really is all about how you think. You can make this change. Your life will thank you greatly for it.

Repeating 2’s, 22, 222, 2222, etc:

Positive attitude:

Your intentions are being realized. Keep the faith and focus on your goals. Your manifestations are becoming a reality. Keep your focus positive. Keep up your affirmations and keep up the faith with your wonderful imagination soaring.

Not so positive mood:

Know that you can rise above the obstacles if faith and focus are a challenge. Set goals for yourself. Concentrate on your intention with positive affirmations. Keep your imagination soaring and active. Challenges are good, they are there to help you grow. You are growing.

Repeating 3’s, 33, 333, 3333, etc:

Positive attitude:

Three is a holy number. Your life path has holy origins. Seeing 3’s means you are on the right path. Your body, mind and spirit are all apart of your life path. Keep focusing on all 3 aspects of your soul. Great job at keeping your thoughts positive and focused on the present moment. Enjoy your life path.

Not so positive mood:

Take encouragement when you see 3’s when you are feeling unsure of your direction in life. Realize your body, mind and spirit all need your positive thoughts and your focus on the present, the here and now. Sometimes it is all about taking baby steps. Keep it up, you will get there. Trust yourself, trust the holy guidance offered to you by God, your Angels and guides.

Repeating 4’s, 44, 444, 4444, etc:

Positive attitude:

Four is a powerful strong number which is what Your Angels are all about. When you see repeating 4’s know that they are near. You are supposed to be here at this point in your life. Your intuition is building and gaining in its power and strength. You intuitively know and feel your Angels presence. They protect you and help you stay strong in your resolve to stay positive and grounded in the present. Feel the love and acceptance of where you are at in your life.

Not so positive mood:

Tap into the power and strength of your Angels if you are not feeling powerful and strong in your life right now. When you see 4’s know that you are supposed to be here right now. Your Angels are here full of their power and strength with outstretched hands to share that power and strength with you. Feel it, use it, they are there for you. Let them strengthen your intuition as it is a wonderful guide for your life. Feel the love and acceptance of where you are at in your life.

Repeating 5’s, 55, 555, 5555, etc:

Positive attitude:

Change is in the air. Seeing 5’s indicates a life change is right around the corner. You are growing and change occurs naturally due to your growth. Focus on the positive aspects of any change. Change is good as it is a result of your growth and walk on your life path. You are doing a great job.

Not so positive mood:

Realize all change has a positive side to it if you are challenged by change. When you see 5’s be encouraged and look for the positive results that your change has in store for you. By focusing on the positive and staying in the present you can overcome and grow from any change coming your way.

Repeating 6’s, 66, 666, 6666, etc:

Positive attitude:

Seeing repeating 6’s is all about the energy exchange between Heaven and Earth and between you and your life. This is a positive time, knowing that you will be taken care of. Being content with what you have is a great spot to be in. Gratitude for your blessings is so very empowering, it lets you know and feel that your needs and wants are met with your best interests in mind. Smile, life is good.

Not so positive mood:

Take heart and know that you are being taken care of, if personal wants and needs are a challenge right now. Trust and know that your best interests are always in mind. Stay focused on being positive and in the present. Be content with where you are and be grateful for all that you have.

Repeating 7’s, 77, 777, 7777, etc:

Positive attitude:

Your Angels just sent kudos to you. Your Angels are clapping loud and clear. Congratulations you are doing a great job. Keep up the positive attitude. Your focus on the present is improving wonderfully. Put a feather in your cap for that life lesson you just conquered.

Not so positive mood:

Your Angels think you are doing fabulously why don’t you? When you see 7’s and you’re honestly not in a great mood take a moment to figure out why because you should be. Was that a particularly rough lesson you just conquered? Stand up tall, pat yourself on the back and be thankful for what you learned. Now get those positive juices flowing again. Get your mind into the present. The past is over and the future will take care of itself. Keep putting one foot in front of the other. Sometimes baby steps are simply the best we can do. Know that that is ok.

Repeating 8’s, 88, 888, 8888, etc:

Positive attitude:

The phase you are currently in is wrapping up. Any preparations needed for the next phase should begin. This may be the time you will see rewards for the hard work you’ve done. Invest those rewards wisely go for more long term than short. Good job for seeing yourself through this phase in your life. Take your positive attitude into the next one and hit it head on with gusto.

Not so positive mood:

When you see 8’s and you are a bit down realize the phase you are in is almost complete. It really is time to wrap it up and prepare for the next phase. A positive attitude is most important at this time. You may miss your reward if you’re too busy feeling sorry for yourself. Remember how far being positive has taken you, don’t stop now. Get back in the present and keep on putting one foot in front of the other. Again, sometimes baby steps are simply the best we can do. Know that that is ok.

Repeating 9’s, 99, 999, 9999, etc:

Positive attitude:

The current phase is complete. You did it, great job. Take your positive attitude into the next one and hit it head on with gusto.

It can also mean a global phase has ended that affects you and those around you.

Not so positive mood:

When you see 9’s and you are a bit down realize that this phase or global situation has come to a close. Take heart that your next phase in life is right around the corner. Find that positive energy and bring it with you into the next phase.

Repeating 0’s, 0, 000, 0000, etc:

Positive attitude:

This is a reminder that you are one with God. God’s love encircles you and is in you. Now may be a good time to pray and meditate.

0’s can also mean a situation has gone full circle. What were you just thinking about when you saw the 0’s? Know that God’s love is there helping you to stay positive and in the present.

Not so positive mood:

Feel your oneness with God if you are a bit down when you see 0’s. Feel his love around and in you. Cheer up.

Did a situation just go full circle? What were you just thinking about when you saw the 0’s? Let God’s love guide you back to positive thinking and working in the present.

Consecutive numbers:

Positive attitude:

You have simplicity in your life. This allows you the time to take care of yourself. It is important to keep this simplicity in your life.

Not so positive mood:

Is life so busy you are feeling overwhelmed? It is time to simplify. It is important to have time to take care of yourself. It is time to take steps to do just that.


Positive attitude:

Attention. Your thoughts are in alignment with the creator. There is a message to be heard. Relax so your subconscious can hear it. Your guides and angels like to talk to your subconscious.

Not so positive mood:

Your attention is requested. Your thoughts need to be positively adjusted so they are in alignment with your creator. Your subconscious is trying to guide you. There is a message to be heard. Relax so your subconscious can hear it. Your guides and angels like to talk to your subconscious.


Positive attitude:

You are focused. Your highest expectations are at work with your wants, needs, goals and desires being manifested. Now is a great time to leave your comfort zone and seek out new directions, new projects and ventures you have been thinking about for awhile now.

Not so positive mood:

You have the ability to focus. Know you can focus. Set your expectations high so they can work with your wants, needs, goals and desires and manifest them. Once you are focused it is a great time to leave your comfort zone and seek out new directions, new projects and ventures you have been thinking about for awhile now.


Positive attitude:

You have been working hard and diligently in positive and uplifting ways. Sweet success is yours. Keep up the positive efforts and work happy every single day. Nice job.

Not so positive mood:

Your angels and guides understand that your journey is tough at times. A positive shift in your work habits will make a huge difference. Know that your efforts are important to keep you moving forward. Work on being positive and work happy every single day. You can do it, sweet success is there.

Janelle Spoto, CHt
from Wise Healings by Design

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