
Functional Health and Nutrition Program

Your body is important and has ways to tell you what you need to know to keep yourself healthy. But did you know, how good you feel is not the best indicator of how healthy you are? Have you been tested properly to know which diet you should follow and what supplements are right for you? Are you healthy enough to experience and enjoy everything that life has to offer? Starting with a consultation, we will determine what objective tests would be most beneficial in your case. After undergoing a comprehensive blood test our trained health professionals perform an in-depth analysis of your total system. Combining these results with other diagnostic tools, we are able to perform an in-depth analysis of your body. This analysis outlines any problem areas, minor and major conditions that if left untreated, may lead to serious illness, disease and more. Problem areas are identified and carefully documented so that proactive measure may be taken to attain optimal health. Your detailed report will clearly explain specific dietary, lifestyle and nutrient recommendations based on your individual results.

Call to set up your Functional Health and Nutrition Consultation with Janelle today. See Location & Hours on the side bar or below if on a mobile device for contact information.

Check out our Case Studies, Protocols and Newsletters for our Functional Health and Nutrition Program. Use the menu to access them.

The founder of our program has his own radio shows with his colleagues check out that link as well in the menu.

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